Outlets: website contents/social media posts/blog posts/internal training docs/promotion videos
Tone of Voice: vivid and appealing, depicting a warm and welcoming image
Style Guide: natural, creative & easy to read
Challenges: reconstructing connotations with the target audience in mind and original intentions intact, highlighting exciting news, latest updates and product features;
Solutions: dedicated glossaries and product-specific style guide to help maintain consistency and scaling.
Website/Social Medias | In Other Words (ZH-CH) |
Press Release XX will open its very first flagstore in China, showcasing a boutique and a XX snack bar. The store features multiple rooms, blending XX style with Chinese-inspired components and adopting multiple shades of yellow as key colors and as a nod to the brand’s heritage. Signature icons are also subtly displayed in unexpected locations, adding an element of surprise and a dose of joy to the space. An illustration of contemporary design characterized by clean lines, brown marble floors and warm beige palette. Harmonious metal wall paneling, together with micro mosaic patterned glass tiles and decorative wall accents, add to the engaging scene. Shopping spaces is illuminated by recessed ceiling lighting and floor-to-ceiling windows with bustling city views. | 新闻稿 XX 即将在中国开设新的旗舰店,分设精品店与轻食吧。新店分成多个空间,以深浅不一的黄色为主色调,呼应品牌传统,融合 XX 风格与中国风元素。 标志性的标识低调显现于多个位置,为顾客制造意外惊喜,让店内充盈着趣致气息。室内的线条利落,温暖的米色调与褐色大理石地板和谐搭配,共同勾勒出现代风格。 金属墙板色调宜人,玻璃砖饰有微型马赛克图案,与墙壁上装饰点缀物相映成趣,烘托友好、热情的气氛。购物区采用嵌入式天花板照明,配有落地窗,提供充足的采光,转头望向窗外,熙攘的城市街景尽收眼底。 |
Press Release As the new millenium is going into 20, the House has dedicated a special campaign to illustrate its visionary creativity. the House has called upon a group of dancers and created a choreography as the backbone of this campaign. The dance moves are an inner expression of the bodies, they also sublimate the suppleness of the luxury fabrics, fitting with the spirit of the SS ready-to-wear collection - a blend of street sportswear pieces and chic tailoring inspired of vintage 80s silhouettes worn with a new attitude. The talented photographer who captures the inner souls of people of the world, grab the grace of the young dancing talents. The result is a series of images filled with dynamism and the joy of living, as well as short clips, and videos, shot by French videographer on a swinging jazzy-latino hip hop, that puts you in the mood for move. Two generations later, it has established its worldwide aura by combining craftsmanship with cutting- edge technologies, discreet refinement of quality with daring creativity to capture a moving society and give birth to the daring nonchalance and much coveted Parisian je-ne- sais-quoi. | 新闻稿 正值千禧年迈入头 20 年之际,该品牌巧妙构思特别的宣传大片,传递其富有洞见的创造力。品牌召集了一组舞蹈精灵,精心编排舞蹈,缔造广告大片的主旋律。 春夏成衣系列融合了街头风运动单品和时尚精致剪裁,以全新姿态演绎 80 年代的复古廓形,舞者的曼妙舞姿既是内在心灵的艺术表现,又以灵动姿态凸显奢华面料的柔韧质地,完美契合该系列的创新精神。才华横溢的摄影师以捕捉拍摄对象的内在灵气见长,凭借高超技巧将舞者的优雅姿态定格,呈现迷人风采。 除了一系列充满活力与意趣的精美图片之外,法国摄影师更是以新潮活泼的爵士与拉丁嘻哈音乐为背景,拍摄出创意短片和视频,让人随心而动,不由自主地随着音乐翩翩起舞。历经两代的传承之后,这一时尚品牌结合精湛的工艺与前沿技术打造上乘品质,敢于创新,精益求精,顺应迅速发展的社会,奠定品牌享誉全球的地位,诠释果敢无畏、随性洒脱而又妙不可言的巴黎风韵。 |
Product Feature The trapeze clutch introduced in the new collection is made of an ultra-supple lambskin leather and features an understated monogram signature on the back. It has an oversized shape with a maxi lozenge quilting, showcasing the softness of the leather and the puffy hand of the bag. By combining unique design and on-trend silhouette, it shouts out sophistication and relaxed, unstructured feel. To be carried by hand or under the arm, it is comfortable and body friendly, with a large capacity, making it the faithful day-to-night companion of modern women. | 产品特色 这款秋千手拿包出自新系列,甄选极为柔软的小羊皮制成,背面饰有精致低调的品牌字母标志。包袋采用大廓形版型和超大菱形绗缝设计,凸显了皮革的柔软质感,因此富有蓬松手感。 单品融合了独特出众的设计与流行廓形,焕发出优雅魅力,不失休闲自在气息。可拿在手中或夹在腋下,尽享舒适亲肤手感,容量宽裕,是摩登女郎日夜皆宜装扮的理想伴侣。 |
Product Feature Must-haves of the season, these cardigans feature 80s-inspired abstract motifs. such head-turning knitwears are the central, graphic elements of the looks as they need nothing else other than simple black pieces to compose eye-catching silhouettes. The graphic work on chevron and leopard knitted jacquards is highlighted by the richness of the textures thanks to a touch of mohair wool. Tuck the knit in high-waisted pants and highlight the waist with a narrow white belt to sharpen the look. | 产品特色 这款羊毛开衫饰有特色的 80 年代的抽象图,是当季必备款式。针织衫采用魅力十足的图案设计,无疑会成为造型的中心元素,仅需搭配简约黑色单品,便可打造亮眼装扮,赢得超高回头率。 单品融入了马海毛,呈现出丰富细腻的纹理,与人字纹和豹纹提花的图案元素相得益彰。不妨将针织衫束进高腰裤装中,再搭配纤细的白色腰带,提升造型的利落感。 |
Design Feature Going back to the tradition of couture shoes made of feathers or in satin, the designer imagined high-heeled, glamorous sandals for summer. Whether it is with ostrich feathers adorning a high-heeled thong or the fuchsia and retro gold satin meant to highlight the silhouette, these styles are attitude boosters to add a touch of seduction to a look. Played in echo with the colors and adornments of a particular dress or to contrast an all-black look, the sandals bring a distinctive and sharp allure for those who dare to assume their femininity. | 设计特色 设计师运用羽毛或缎面的设计传统重塑高级定制鞋履,为夏季系列打造魅力非凡的高跟凉鞋。这些款式或运用鸵鸟毛装饰高跟夹趾凉鞋,或借助玫红色和复古金色缎面设计提亮廓形,彰显十足个性,为造型融入丝丝妩媚气息。 不妨选择用凉鞋搭配同色系设计或装饰元素的连衣裙,巧妙形成呼应,或是为全黑造型增添对比效果的元素,为女性柔美造型赋予出众气质,增添利落感。 |
Design Feature The indigo pigments don’t fully soak the cotton threads. With pigments fading over time, the denim showcases its own personality. Wearing habits, level of care, and movement also contribute to the worn-out look. Wash of denims are taken place in laundries, either with pumice stones undergoing erosion, or with enzymes, which soften the stiff fabric. Use mechanical or handmade techniques to create finishes, such as holes, honeycombs, and whiskers. | 设计特色 靛蓝染料无法完全浸染棉线。染料会随着时间流逝而褪色,牛仔面料进而呈现出独特的外观。穿着习惯、保养程度和运动强度也会对穿旧效果产生影响。 在洗衣房对牛仔进行水洗,或是使用浮石产生腐蚀效果,或是采用酵素柔化硬挺的面料。通过机械或人工制造出后处理效果,如破洞、蜂窝、猫须等等。 |